Vali Irina Ciobanu – Emotions

“I like all the techniques, I study them, experiment them, try to find their secrets … It has been painted for so many years on the skin that it was imperative to try this Renaissance technique. All the time I try the long-lasting ones, the ones that have proven their durability.

I’ve seen more information in old-school textbooks, but I’ve found more details about this technique in a book about a work that was supposed to have been painted by Leonardo da Vinci. I’ve been through the years to find the ideal formula. What pigments I use, how to adapt the old materials to the current ones, and with which fins and finishes I set myself to preserve the natural elasticity of the skin. Now this is one of my favorite techniques because the skin is very versatile and, being a natural support, gives you surprises … and a little adrenaline every time. The color, texture of the skin requires a certain subject made in a certain way. You will see paintings painted in watercolor, egg temper, gouache, tusk or mixed techniques. All are old techniques with natural pigments that are suitable for work on natural background. In large-scale works, the leather is stretched on a chassis that has a cloth before it so that the skin is better protected. After the skin is well stretched, clean it and then prepare it with a special primer. I use Arabic gum, which is a natural ingredient to prepare the support, because it is as old as painting, I would say. “- Vali Irina Ciobanu

Curator Iulia Toader about the exhibition: “I know Vali Ciobanu of her works more than personally and from that romantic lyricism present in her figurative art is perfectly balanced by an elegant chromatic, so that the result escapes from manners too Sweet and becomes an elevated invitation to dream.With a decided and well-managed technique, she is able to play both the volcanic energy of horse studs and the resting absoluteness of a dancer in that intimate break of self-admiration and personal glory.
The sooner the moment is surprised, the more I discover a different quality I think it could be doing more and more. A special sense of color that makes it hide within a darkened world a light and emotional world, full of joy. Her sketches are thus spoiled secrets kept in introverted and serene souls.”

Works Available at the Gallery – Vali Irina Ciobanu

* The dimensions of the works are expressed in cm.



For any information regarding the works above, you can contact us at: sau la +40 722 381 325.

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