Visele sunt o forma incompleta de profetie, sunt transferuri de imaginatie de la la o lume la alta.
In fiecare noapte, odata cu visul reincepe lumea. Primim subconstient raspunsuri la intrebari pe care nu stim inca sa le formulam rational.
Nirvana este descrisa ca incetarea tuturor actiunilor, incetarea renasterilor si a suferintelor. Stare mistica de fericire constand in eliberarea de grijile vietii, in contopirea sufletului individual cu esenta divina dobândita prin contemplatie si asceza, stare de fericire, de liniste si de echilibru.
Lucrari in Galeria Noastra:
Nu suntem forme perfecte euclidiene, suntem zamislirea unui Alter Ego ubicuu si impecabil.
Sub aceasta paradigma ne putem salva dand sens sufletelor noastre prin autodescoperirea a ceea ce ne-a creat./
We are not perfect Euclidean forms, we are the decay of a ubiquitous and impeccable Alter Ego.
Under this paradigm we can us save by giving meaning to our souls through the self-discovery of what created us.
Avem perceptii diferite asupra vietii. In functie de acuitatea fiecaruia suntem la un nivel sau altul de percepere a unei realitati de cele mai multe ori iluzorii./
We have different perceptions about life. Depending on the acuity of each one, we are at one level or another perceiving a reality most often illusory.
Meditatia asupra unui zbor utopic dar in acelasi timp nimeni nu ne poate interzice sa visam ca avem aripi./
Meditation on a utopian flight but at the same time no one can forbid us to dream that we have wings.
Alergam catre iluzii materiale desarte pana ajungem sa ingenunchiem sub propriile aspiratii insignifiante.
Un dram de zbor spiritual ne poate salva, fundamental este cum si la ce visam./
We run to the illusions of material materiality until we get to kneel under our own insignificant aspirations.
A drama of spiritual flight can save us, it is fundamentally how and what we dream.
Banda lui Mobius este un model de suprafata cu o singura fata si o singura margine. Banda are proprietatea matematica de a fi neorientabila.
lnseamna ca in principiu iluzoriu alergam material intr-un spatiu tridimensional cand universul nostru spiritual are dimensiuni nestiute, ingerii sunt cei care fac trecerea, sunt vamesii catre infinit./
Mobius tape is a surface model with one face and one edge. The band has the mathematical property of being non-orientable.
It means that in principle illusory we run material in a three-dimensional space when our spiritual universe has unknown dimensions, the angels are the ones who make the passage, they are the customs to the infinite.
Banda lui Mobius este un model de suprafata cu o singura fata si o singura margine. Banda are proprietatea matematica de a fi neorientabila.
lnseamna ca in principiu iluzoriu alergam material intr-un spatiu tridimensional cand universul nostru spiritual are dimensiuni nestiute, ingerii sunt cei care fac trecerea, sunt vamesii catre infinit./
Mobius tape is a surface model with one face and one edge. The band has the mathematical property of being non-orientable.
It means that in principle illusory we run material in a three-dimensional space when our spiritual universe has unknown dimensions, the angels are the ones who make the passage, they are the customs to the infinite.
Privind vom ajunge sa vedem, sa ne autodescoperim sinele si implicit pe Dumnezeu./
Looking we will come to see, to self-discover and implicitly discover God.
Papirusul, forma primara si fundamentala a gandului scris, cartea ca si proiectie ultima a ideii proiectate fizic sunt parghiile informationale prin care facil putem evolua. Nu suntem proiectati digital, in online ne gadilam orgoliile mici si iluzorii fara de sens spiritual./
Papyrus, the primary and fundamental form of written thought, the book as the ultimate projection of the physically projected idea are the informational levers through which we can easily evolve. We are not digitally designed, in online we guard our small and illusory egos without any spiritual meaning.
Sisif era considerat cel mai viclean dintre muritori. A fost supus in Infern de catre Zeus la o cazna perpetua: el a fost sortit sa duca in spate o stanca uriasa, care o data ajunsa in varf, se rostogolea din nou la vale si cazna era reluata. In afara de aceasta, a incercat sa ramana nemuritor printr-un siretlic, a reusit sa puna in lanturi Moartea insasi, care venise sa-l ia. Din acel moment pe pamant n-a mai murit nimeni, pana cand Ares a intervenit personal, eliberand Moartea si dandu-i-I pe Sisif./
Sisyphus was considered the most sly of all mortals. He was subjected to Hell by Zeus in a perpetual barrel: he was doomed to carry a huge rock in the back, which once reached the top, rolled back down the valley and the barrel was resumed. Besides, he tried to remain immortal through a trick, he managed to put in chains Death itself, who had come to take him. From that moment no one on earth died, until Ares personally intervened, releasing Death and giving Sisyphus back to it.
Geometria euclidiana este un ansamblu matematic care are la baza patru notiuni fundamentale: punct, dreapta, plan si spatiu, bazele a tot ce exista tridimensional.
Unde este spiritul si Dumnezeu in toata aceasta ecuatie?
Ei bine din nou atot prezentul bufon este vamesul dintre cele vazute si mai ales nevazute./
Euclidean geometry is a mathematical assembly based on four fundamental notions: point, straight line, plane and space, the bases of everything that exists three-dimensional.
Where is the spirit and God in all this equation?
Well again the all-present jester is the customs of the seen and especially the unseen.
Suntem franturi de materie fara de spirit, suntem neterminati. In afara de Dumnezeu si spirit nu exista adevar.
“Fara Dumnezeu omul ramane un biet animal rational si vorbitor, care vine de nicaieri si merge spre nicaieri.” Petre Tutea/
We are frets of matter without spirit, we are unfinished. Apart from God and spirit there is no truth.
„Without God man remains a poor rational and talkative animal, who comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.” Petre Tutea
Suntem franturi de materie fara de spirit, suntem neterminati. In afara de Dumnezeu si spirit nu exista adevar.
“Fara Dumnezeu omul ramane un biet animal rational si vorbitor, care vine de nicaieri si merge spre nicaieri.” Petre Tutea/
We are frets of matter without spirit, we are unfinished. Apart from God and spirit there is no truth.
„Without God man remains a poor rational and talkative animal, who comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.” Petre Tutea
Gandirea e munca inteligentei, visarea e voluptatea ei.
De la punctul A la punctul B rational ajungi intr-un timp N. In vis totul se intampla instantaneu indiferent de distanta./
Thinking is the work of intelligence, dreaming is its will.
From point A to point B rationally you arrive at a time N. In dreams everything happens instantly no matter the distance.
Suntem franturi de materie fara de spirit, suntem neterminati. In afara de Dumnezeu si spirit nu exista adevar.
“Fara Dumnezeu omul ramane un biet animal rational si vorbitor, care vine de nicaieri si merge spre nicaieri.” Petre Tutea/
We are frets of matter without spirit, we are unfinished. Apart from God and spirit there is no truth.
„Without God man remains a poor rational and talkative animal, who comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.” Petre Tutea
Putem visa zborul, e dreptul si in puterea noastra… dar in vis. Suntem franturi de materie fara de spirit, suntem neterminati. In afara de Dumnezeu si spirit nu exista adevar.
“Fara Dumnezeu omul ramane un biet animal rational si vorbitor, care vine de nicaieri si merge spre nicaieri.” Petre Tutea/
We can dream of the flight, it is our right and also in our power … but in dreams.
We are frets of matter without spirit, we are unfinished. Apart from God and spirit there is no truth.
„Without God man remains a poor rational and talkative animal, who comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.” Petre Tutea
Pentru a construi un vis a fost nevoie de un anumit numar de dorinte, de reverii care se afla in gandurile latente ale visului si care sunt de aceesai natura cu cele pe care le cunoatem in starea de veghe si le denumim, pe buna dreptate, „vise cu ochii
Deschisi” sau de ce nu, muzica pe care o canti prin intermediul femeii iubite./
To build a dream it was necessary a certain number of desires, of dreams that are in the latent thoughts of the dream and which are of the same nature with those we know in the waking state and we call them, rightly, ” dreams with eyes
wide open” or why not, the music you play through your beloved woman.
Gandirea e munca inteligentei, visarea e voluptatea ei.
A inlocui gandirea cu visarea inseamna a confunda hrana cu otrava. Dar voluptatea este esenta gandului visator, ce intrevede solutia si trairea in acelasi timp, inainte-vederea si iluminarea suprapuse pe realitate.
Pe tronul materiei umane se asaza ganditorii incercand sa ii dea sens./
Thinking is the work of intelligence, dreaming is its will.
To replace thinking with dreaming is to confuse food with poison. But lust is the essence of the dreaming thought, which sees the solution and the living at the same time, before the sight and the light superimposed on reality.
Thinkers sit on the throne of human matter trying to make sense of it.
Mai bine un nebun spiritual decat un spirit nebunesc. Bufonul este cel care ne serveste propriile nebunii unduite in profile continue de vin./
Better a spiritual fool than a crazy spirit. The buffoon is the one who serves our own madness waved in continuous wine profiles.
Bufonul, cel mai intelept si liber om din regat dar total neinteles cu adevarat.
„Nu eu sunt bufonul, ci societatea monstruos de cinica si naiv de inconstienta care pretinde ca este serioasa numai pentru a-si ascunde mai bine nebunia. Eu, in schimb – nu sunt nebun”. Salvador Dali/
The jester, the wisest and freest man in the kingdom but totally not really understood.
„I am not the jester, but the monstrous society of cynicism and naivety of unconsciousness that claims that it is serious only to better hide its madness. I, on the other hand – am not crazy.” Salvador Dali
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