Vali Irina Ciobanu was born in Valea Popii, Calarasi in 1976 and is a graduate in History of Culture and Religions from the Department of Philosophy of Bucharest.
Vali creates a concept of modernity as an opposite of abstraction, based on some recuperated easel practices of ancient age, some even in the Renaissance and having the spiritual support of a cultured audience.
“She creates her paintings using a very old technique, inspired by that of Leonardo da Vinci. She paints on leather with water colors, binders and hairspray which are specific art objects in themselves.” – Tudor Octavian
Vali Irina Ciobanu has works featured in numerous private collections around the country and abroad, exhibitions both personal and group participation in creative camps.
See below her works presented in several exhibitions at our gallery:
- Elysium – Emotions
- Danube Delta – Strength Through Fragility
- Visual Histories Around the World- From Map to Art
An article from OZB Magazine, our media partner, going in depth about the techniques used by artist Vali Irina Ciobnu can be read here.
You can find out more about the special leather painting technique she uses, from the artist herself in the video here.
Vali Irina Ciobanu and her exhibition at our Gallery, presented at Antena 1 TV morning show, “Neatza cu Razvan si Dani”.
Same show, other exhibition: