1- Paradigma tainica a tacerii: nu vad, nu aud, nu vorbesc. Ecuatia incepe de la spiridus, care spiridus isi cenzureaza privirea, reduce la tacere bufonul, care bufon ascunde regelui auzul. Restul e tacerea universala./
The mysterious paradigm of silence: I can’t see, I can’t hear, I can’t speak. The equation starts with the trickster, who censors his gaze and silences the jester and then the jester prevents the king from hearing. The rest is the universal silence.
1- The mysterious paradigm of silence: I can’t see, I can’t hear, I can’t speak. The equation starts with the trickster, who censors his gaze and silences the jester and then the jester prevents the king from hearing. The rest is the universal silence.