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3_The Gardener, oil on canvas, 2018, (80x80cm)

Gradinarul, ulei pe panza, 2018, (80x80cm) In anumiti ochi ma joc gol cu sufletul meu, Divinul, cel mai mare mister din toate. Si ma intreb mereu ce inseamna “Etern”? In fiecare zi traiesc sa mor atat de incet. Rotesc cercul, macar sa-mi amintesc sau sa stiu: Exista vreun scop pentru asta? Atunci tu, geniul meu ascuns si smecher, Raspunzi inapoi razand ca: NU! Si iarasi simt viata inflorindu-mi sufletul, Si umil mai cer o secunda, te rog… Sa fiu Gradinarul tau ... Si chiar mai mult. The Gardener, oil on canvas, 2018, (80x80cm) In some eyes I play naked with my soul, The God, the biggest mysteries of all. To wonder always. what is that “Eternal”? When every day I live to die so slow. I spin my circle to at least remember or to know: Is there any purpose for all this at all? And then you, the tricky hidden genius of mine, Whisper laughing back at me: NO! And so, I feel again the life that blooms inside my soul, And humble ask for one more second, please... To be your gardener... And even more.