16-Ingerul care se balanseaza prin intermediul clopotelor deasupra straniului cosmonaut din Nazca - Peru, cu care si comunica subliminal. Cosmonautul jos - Fiinta sus.
De ce nu o comunicare dintre om si o alta dimensiune a noastra si a Universului? E solutia salvarii noastre incercand sa ne redescoperim in sine./
The angel swings on bell ropes above the eerie cosmonaut in Nazca – Peru, with whom he communicates subliminally. The Cosmonaut is down and the Being is up.
Why not have a communication between man and another dimension of himself and of the Universe? It is the solution to the puzzle of our redemption, while we try to rediscover ourselves in the self.
16-Ingerul care se balanseaza prin intermediul clopotelor deasupra straniului cosmonaut din Nazca – Peru, cu care si comunica subliminal. Cosmonautul jos – Fiinta sus.
De ce nu o comunicare dintre om si o alta dimensiune a noastra si a Universului? E solutia salvarii noastre incercand sa ne redescoperim in sine./
The angel swings on bell ropes above the eerie cosmonaut in Nazca – Peru, with whom he communicates subliminally. The Cosmonaut is down and the Being is up.
Why not have a communication between man and another dimension of himself and of the Universe? It is the solution to the puzzle of our redemption, while we try to rediscover ourselves in the self.