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18-O lume recreata de fiecare din noi prin intermediul visului, altfel. In cazul de fata avem spiridusul, cea mai libera fiinta, care nu este legata dramatic de Rege, asa cum se intampla in cazul Bufonului. El este cel care aprinde lumina prin intermediul unui Bec dual si dihotomic si al unui alt spridus care inlocuieste filamentul, el fiind insusi filamentul vietii./ A world recreated by each of us through dreams; every time, a different world. Here we have the Trickster, the freest of all beings, who isn’t dramatically tied to the King, like the Jester. He is the one who turns on the light, using a Bulb that is dual and dichotomous, while another trickster replaces the filament, he being the very filament of life.

18-O lume recreata de fiecare din noi prin intermediul visului,
altfel. In cazul de fata avem spiridusul, cea mai libera fiinta, care nu este legata dramatic de Rege, asa cum se intampla in cazul Bufonului.
El este cel care aprinde lumina prin intermediul unui Bec dual si dihotomic si al unui alt spridus care inlocuieste filamentul, el fiind insusi filamentul vietii./
A world recreated by each of us through dreams; every time, a different world. Here we have the Trickster, the freest of all beings, who isn’t dramatically tied to the King, like the Jester.
He is the one who turns on the light, using a Bulb that is dual and dichotomous, while another trickster replaces the filament, he being the very filament of life.