22-Ne aflam din nou alaturi de straniile desene din Nazca nedecodate prin parghii stiintifice, dar care ne arata "calea' spre alta dimensiune a noastra, si fiinte spirituale groaznic de corporalizate./
We are again in the presence of the eerie Nazca drawings that couldn’t be decoded using “scientific” methods, but which show the way towards another dimension of ourselves as spiritual beings that have become frightfully corporeal.
22-Ne aflam din nou alaturi de straniile desene din Nazca nedecodate prin parghii stiintifice, dar care ne arata “calea’ spre alta dimensiune a noastra, si fiinte spirituale groaznic de corporalizate./
We are again in the presence of the eerie Nazca drawings that couldn’t be decoded using “scientific” methods, but which show the way towards another dimension of ourselves as spiritual beings that have become frightfully corporeal.