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3-Evadarea sau inchidere in noi atunci cand ne ratacim de noi, de fiinta noastra, nu mai stim unde incepe si se termina libertatea noastra spirituala. Restul e manipulare./ Escape from or isolation within ourselves when we get lost, separated from ourselves and from our being, when we no longer know where our spiritual freedom begins and ends. Everything else is manipulation.

3-Evadarea sau inchidere in noi atunci cand ne ratacim de noi, de fiinta noastra, nu mai stim unde incepe si se termina libertatea noastra spirituala. Restul e manipulare./
Escape from or isolation within ourselves when we get lost, separated from ourselves and from our being, when we no longer know where our spiritual freedom begins and ends. Everything else is manipulation.