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2_Cheia din puzzle, 100x50cm

Cheia din puzzle, ulei pe panza & mixed media (pana paun), 2018, (100x50cm) Ea imparte verdele in doi, purtand la gat perle Cobalt Blue, Pe care le asorteaza cu ochii cu care te priveste. Deodata inroseste in tot ce e adevarat. Dar de ce a inrosit la tine? Fulgerul inocentei, orbirea adevarului, Cea mai sincera emotie, in sange-i alearga Ca doi nebuni: Neasteptatul joc si fantezia, Si secretul care le uneste: Dragostea. The key to the puzzle, oil on canvas& mixed media (peacock feather), 2018, (100x50cm) She splits the greens in two, wearing the pearls of Cobalt Blue To match the eyes now starring at you. Suddenly she blushes away all that is true, But why is she blushing at you? The strike of the innocence, the blindness of truth, The most sincere emotion, the color of blood, Running inside like crazy do: The unexpected game and fantasy, The secret that puzzles the two, Love.