Irina Neacsu: De la Botanic la Abstract & Cartea Starilor Sufletesti (12 Octombrie- 14 Noiembrie 2017)
Tema expozitiei aduce impreuna lucrarile recente ale artistei, din 2017, care releva fascinatia ei pentru universul botanic. Lucrarile botanice in acuarela ilustreaza frumusetea florilor intr-o maniera decorativa, focusata pe observatia si admiratia pura, ca stari ce creeaza principalul portal spre gratitudine si recunostinta. Intr-un registru mai profund, picturile abstracte vorbesc despre intelegere si acceptare, vizavi de efemeritatea existentei si de mortalitate. Cursul firesc al naturii prin schimbarile anotimpurilor dovedeste puterea prezentului. De la decorativ la abstract, de la observare la emotie, lucrarile Irinei vorbesc despre momentele ei prezente de gratitudine, simplitate si eleganta.
Lucrarile Irinei sunt expuse dupa cum urmeaza:
Ilustratii botanice – acuarela pe hartie
Picturi abstracte – ulei si mixed media pe panza
„Cartea Starilor Sufletesti” – project preview – ulei pe panza si carte de artist
Ilustratiile botanice si picturile abstracte sunt expuse impreuna, in grupuri, pentru a evidentia procesul transformariii subiectelor botanice din subiecte clasice in teme abstracte.
„Cartea Starilor Sufletesti” este expusa separat, deoarece este un proiect in desfasuare. In ultimele lucrari din acest proiect, Irina foloseste pictura realista ca o tehnica de povestire pentru a descrie stari complicate ca naratiuni suprarealiste. Subiectii botanici devin metafore ale mortalitatii si frumusetii efemere.
Curatorul expozitiei este Karima Radwan, istoric si lector de arta.
Lucrari Disponibile in Galerie pentru Vanzare:
1_Autumn Glimpses 01-Oil and mixed media on canvas, 120x120
1_Autumn Glimpses 01-Oil and mixed media on canvas, 120x120
2_autumn glimpses 01_1
2_autumn glimpses 01_1
3_autumn glimpses 02
3_autumn glimpses 02
4_Autumn Glimpses 03 -Oil and mixed media on canvas, 120×120
4_Autumn Glimpses 03 -Oil and mixed media on canvas, 120×120
5_Autumn Glimpses 04, Oil and mixed media on canvas, 120×120 cm, unframed
5_Autumn Glimpses 04, Oil and mixed media on canvas, 120×120 cm, unframed
6_Hydrangea 01- Watercolor on paper, 29×29_framed 50×50
6_Hydrangea 01- Watercolor on paper, 29×29_framed 50×50
7_Hydrangea 02 – oil and mixed media on canvas, 100×150, framed
7_Hydrangea 02 – oil and mixed media on canvas, 100×150, framed
8_Hydrangea – small lamp_1
8_Hydrangea – small lamp_1
9_Hydrangea – small lamp_2
9_Hydrangea – small lamp_2
10_Hydrangea -big_lamp
10_Hydrangea -big_lamp
12_rose garden_white_watercolor on paper, 45X35
12_rose garden_white_watercolor on paper, 45X35
13_rose garden_pink_watercolor on paper, 45X35
13_rose garden_pink_watercolor on paper, 45X35
14_rose garden_yellow_watercolor on paper, 45X35
14_rose garden_yellow_watercolor on paper, 45X35
15_rose garden_red_watercolor on paper, 45X35
15_rose garden_red_watercolor on paper, 45X35
16_rose garden_petals_watercolor on paper, 67X67
16_rose garden_petals_watercolor on paper, 67X67
17_Folded_01_oil and mixed media on canvas, 70×70, framed
17_Folded_01_oil and mixed media on canvas, 70×70, framed
18_Folded_02_oil and mixed media on canvas_70×70
18_Folded_02_oil and mixed media on canvas_70×70
19_Forever Lost 01_ cone_Watercolor and ink on paper, framed, 63×51
19_Forever Lost 01_ cone_Watercolor and ink on paper, framed, 63×51
20_Forever Lost 02_feather_Watercolor and ink on paper, framed, 63×51
20_Forever Lost 02_feather_Watercolor and ink on paper, framed, 63×51
21_Forever Lost 03_leaf_Watercolor and ink on paper, framed, 63×51
21_Forever Lost 03_leaf_Watercolor and ink on paper, framed, 63×51
22_Forever Lost 04_stone_Watercolor and ink on paper, framed, 63×51
22_Forever Lost 04_stone_Watercolor and ink on paper, framed, 63×51
23_Canopy_Tropical_01_watercolor on paper, framed, 62×52
23_Canopy_Tropical_01_watercolor on paper, framed, 62×52
24_Canopy_Tropical_02_watercolor on paper, framed, 52×42
24_Canopy_Tropical_02_watercolor on paper, framed, 52×42
25_Canopy_Foliage1_oil and mixed media on canvas_80×100
25_Canopy_Foliage1_oil and mixed media on canvas_80×100
27_Wanderlust_Maple_01_watercolor and pencil on paper, framed, 43×38
27_Wanderlust_Maple_01_watercolor and pencil on paper, framed, 43×38
28_Wanderlust_Maple_02_watercolor and pencil on paper, framed, 43×38
29_Wanderlust_Seasons_oil and mixed media with golden leaf on canvas, framed, 140×100
29_Wanderlust_Seasons_oil and mixed media with golden leaf on canvas, framed, 140×100
31_Ready for the storm_Oil and mixed media on canvas, 100×150
31_Ready for the storm_Oil and mixed media on canvas, 100×150
33_The Book of Moods_02_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
33_The Book of Moods_02_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
34_The Book of Moods_02_1
34_The Book of Moods_02_1
35_The Book of Moods_03_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
35_The Book of Moods_03_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
36_The Book of Moods_03_1
36_The Book of Moods_03_1
37_The Book of Moods_04_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
37_The Book of Moods_04_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
38_The Book of Moods_04_1
38_The Book of Moods_04_1
39_The Book of Moods_05_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
39_The Book of Moods_05_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
40_The Book of Moods_05_1
40_The Book of Moods_05_1
41_The Book of Moods_06_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
41_The Book of Moods_06_ Oil on canvas, 70×70, framed
42_The Book of Moods_06_1
42_The Book of Moods_06_1
43_perne decorative din in cu print botanic_linen decorative cushions with botanical print_40x40cm
43_perne decorative din in cu print botanic_linen decorative cushions with botanical print_40x40cm
44_perne decorative din in cu print botanic_linen decorative cushions with botanical print_40x40cm
44_perne decorative din in cu print botanic_linen decorative cushions with botanical print_40x40cm
46_perne decorative din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushions with botanical print_40x40cm
46_perne decorative din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushions with botanical print_40x40cm
47_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
47_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
48_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
48_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
49_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
49_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
50_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
50_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
51_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
51_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40
52_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40cm
52_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40cm
53_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40cm
53_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40cm
54_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40cm
54_perna decorativa din in cu print botanic_ linen decorative cushion with botanical print_40x40cm
55_Herbarium – leather and paper with photos of the plants and Latin & Romanian name plus description of the flowers and their properties in Romanian-SOLD
55_Herbarium – leather and paper with photos of the plants and Latin & Romanian name plus description of the flowers and their properties in Romanian-SOLD