Victor Andrei-Ionescu, visual artist interested in oil painting, engraving, animation and graffiti. , studied at UNARTE, Graphics section and has an Erasmus scholarship in 2012 at Poznan-Poland and he is studying currently stage& movie directing at Hyperion University in Bucharest, Romania.
As a visual artist he has various interests: oil painting, engraving, as well as animation and StreetArt, where his signature name is Jabra22.
He started to paint at small age, at his father studio, liking the most Picasso, his paintings being now a combination of Picasso and Dali with a touch of Van Gogh as now Victor is working “like himself” but “a lot” like this Masters did.
He started Street Art in 2000 at age 22 under signature name Jabra22, participating at various charity and community events.
His entire family is connected with art, father- painter, older brother- Actor of the National Theater of Bucharest – played the role of sculptor Constantin Brancusi in the Romanian movie, ” Brancusi from Eternity”, distributed in European Cinemas and had screenings at BAFTA, middle brother – movie Director.
2018 “Art in the joint”, Street Delivery, Iași, RomaniaNocturne, Lente urban space during NAG ( White night of the Galleries), Bucharest, Romania
2017 The little dark ( animation), Next festival, Bucharest, RomaniaStreet Art Festival, Street art, Sibiu, Romania
2016 Amural, Amural Festival, Brașov, RomaniaThe night of the houses ( “Noaptea Caselor” in Romanian), Avanpost, Bucharest, Romania
2012 Demonic as The Gateway to The Divine, Simeza, Bucharest, Romania
2011 The Little Dark- short film, Anim’est ( Bucharest International Film Festival), Bucharest, Romania
Available art for sale:
Human Face_100_150cm_oil on canvas_EUR 3200
Asemanarea dintre om si Dumnezeu reprezentata printr-un chip stilizat precum cel al unei maicute.
The resemblance between man and God represented through a stylized face like the one of a nun.
The Collar Dove_oil on canvas_70x90cm_EUR 1,235.00
Un porumbel fantomatic intr-un cadru nocturn asemanator nocturnelor lui Whistler.
A phantom-like dove in a nocturnal setting resembling Whistler's nocturnes.
“Duhul”/"The Spirit" - oil on canvas, 50 H/ 60 L cm
“Duhul”/"The Spirit" - oil on canvas, 50 H/ 60 L cm , EUR 800, Aceasta lucrare reprezinta un spirit al padurii. This work represents a spirit of the woods.
Oil painting
Figurative art
“Phoenix”- oil on canvas – 70 H / 60 L cm, EUR 3,000.00 Un Phoenix care se lupta cu un monstru marin pentru a scapa. A Phoenix fighiting to escape a marine monster.
“Phoenix”- oil on canvas – 70 H / 60 L cm
Un Phoenix care se lupta cu un monstru marin pentru a scapa.
A Phoenix fighiting to escape a marine monster.
Oil painting
Figurative art
“Phoenix” – oil on canvas - 140 H / 100 L cm , EUR 1,700.00 O pasare care simbolizeaza viata vesnica, un simbol care mi-a devenit prieten in picturile mele. A mythical bird that symbolizes eternal life, a symbol that became a friend in my paintings.
“Phoenix” – oil on canvas - 140 H / 100 L cm, EUR 1,700.00
O pasare care simbolizeaza viata vesnica, un simbol care mi-a devenit prieten in picturile mele.
A mythical bird that symbolizes eternal life, a symbol that became a friend in my paintings.
Oil painting
Figurative art
“Venetia” / “Venice” - oil on canvas, – 60H / 80 L cm , EUR 1,000.00 , Dupa ce am vizitat Venetia am facut acest tablou (nu am vrut un tablou clasic despre Venetia). Work done after visiting Venice (I avoided a classical “touristic” painting).
“Venetia” / “Venice” - oil on canvas, – 60H / 80 L cm, EUR 1,000.00
Dupa ce am vizitat Venetia am facut acest tablou (nu am vrut un tablou clasic despre Venetia).
Work done after visiting Venice (I avoided a classical “touristic” painting).
Oil painting
Figurative art
“Camera parintilor” “My Parents’ Room” - " - oil on canvas, 50H / 60 L cm, EUR 1,500.00, Lucrare facuta in perioada copilariei./Work done during my childhood. 2007 Oil painting Figurative art Interiors
“Camera parintilor” “My Parents’ Room” - " - oil on canvas, 50H / 60 L cm , EUR 1,500.00, Lucrare facuta in perioada copilariei./Work done during my childhood. 2007 Oil painting Figurative art Interiors